Friday, September 09, 2005

the green green grass of...

Well i would like to say home but i'm afraid not. Its weird. Everything has changed and nothing at all. it all looks the same, same dingy streets, same pubs, same food, same people. I think i have changed. The things i was looking forward to...cheese cider..walkers crisps have all lost their appeal. Actually i think my taste buds have been manipulated. Nope. I have seen the special people in my laugh. caught up, cried and laughed. I have been to Turkey had a fab time but still there is something missing. A huge gap that i did not expect. I think its about belonging and this trip hope i realised that i just dont belong here anymore. Thats not to say it is bad,its me whi has changed. I still love the same people i loved when i left but i feel like an outsider looking in on something that is no longer mine. Weird huh??? I yhink so! Korea wait for me coz i'm coming HOME!


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