Monday, July 18, 2005

Bastard bosses and more bullshit than a shitting bull

alright, this time, my only time, my first my last and my everything...this is hayley rant. It won't happen again, i am not, by nature a ranter, i don't like hassle, i don't like whingers and i don't like being pissed arssed around. When i am i don't shout about it either. Anyway apology over i'm justified.

Okay here goes. One more thing...i am low maintence. Extremely low in fact so low that i can be out of the door showered and shaved numerous body parts, smoked two fags and had a cup of tea in twenty mins max. Okay well i'll start where Maria started...the beginning for those whose childhood wasn't permeated with Uk re showings of the sound of sodding music......

I have a plane ticket, a return to good ol' year one year only simple lol. I had to change the date to the expiary date of my contract the 20th Sept...I did except that i had to change it to the 15th of September. Not particularly because i wanted to or because i am akward bitch with nothing better to do but because the darlings at Asiana air stipulate a one year ticket which rather conveiniently lasts (any guesses???) one year. Anyway i accepted my change date, i figured my boss would rather me leave a few days early than buy a new ticket.

OH No, i told him that i would be leaving early, incedentally ny departure is the middle of chusok so i technically only loose 2 days of work, which if i am going to picky the dick wad stole of my holiday ( my useless piece of cheap paper says that i allegedly get 5 days IN ADDITION TO guessed it i'm getting 5 days INCLUDING the weekend!)

Anyway the guy had a mestural moment and decided that he couldn't afford a foreign teacher and fired one month before my contract ends. This guys a joker believe me. Remember the aforementioned phone bill, well yet again i am phoneless because said geezer hasn't paid the bill. Anyway now don't know what to do, no severence no wages probably.....aaaarrrghhhh.

That said i still love Korea, i love the friends i have made, i love the food, the culture it seriously rocks but just like anywhere you can't escape the assholes. Its an unfortunate but inevitable part of life. Although i have a fab idea. Richard Branson or someone equally loaded should but a huge island somewhere.... anywhere and put as many assholes onto it as possible. I don't mean like a horrible place or anything, you know a cool holiday resort and that way all the dicks in the world can amuse themselves screwing each other over and stay the fuck away from us poor sods who just want a quiet non invasive life. Any sponsors?????


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