Monday, July 25, 2005


For some time i have had a closet addiction, kind of . Actually its becoming quite a problem.

It started as a curiousity and grew bigger and bigger until it cannot be stopped. The words you'll enjoy it, its great rang in my ears daily, go on its not that bad. And its not. Getting naked in Korea is actually a relaxing, wonderful thing to do. I love it, so much so that almost everyday i traipse up to my nearest jingilbang, 3000 won in tow and strip to nothing. yep i said nothing, starkers absolutely zip all. At first i was reluctant to go, of course what sane person would consider being naked in front of korean ajummas staring at the size of your bits as a pleasurable non tramatic !. They don't stare. You go in the jucuzzi, the cold bath, the green tea bath and nobody takes a blind bit of notice. Its amazing. I can't believe now that i love it so much but i am truly a water baby. Water makes me happy, the ocean, the shower even the rain i love it. You can do alsorts of things at the jingilbang, sauna, pc bang, eat drink, massage, sing and of course as only in korea...sleep...all night...every night! Best thing i ever did in Korea!


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