Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hello Sushi!

It was as oftentimes on a saturday afternoon just the three of us. The plan was a simple one, good but uncomplex you know the kind, turn up eat drink and be merry. Laura and Todder turned up at the shabu shabu restaurant (with bicycles in tow) that i had been stood outside for twenty minutes because i am a little dense sometimes and i constantly miscalculate that if you peddle like hell on a bike you get to places quicker, thats just the way it works. So anyway i was there watching the world go by, almost tasting my noodle soup and thinking just how good it was going to taste when they arrived. We went to go it and the damn place had had a fire in the kitchen the day before so they weren't open, bloody inconvienient i thought! okay we needed a new pan, Todder knew another good restaurant but i being an ackward sod didn't like it. Not the concept of going to that restaurant but the actual food, it just wasn't good the last time we went so we decided to set of in search of something new. We wandered in the sun for a while and then found a new restaurant, it looked nice, we wnet in and it was super cold. PEFECT when its at least 40 degrees outside! The menu well blood sausages various intestines and well quite honestly a little new for our taste buds. Any other day maybe we would have tried it but this day was a day for good food. A saturday usually is. We concocted a plan. A fantastic cunning plan. LOTTE MART. Not just lotte mart but the very hub of lotte mart...the rotating sushi bar and the best of all the very best of all PIZZA. So the 3 of us trooped over to the little pizza stand and brought a 1000 won pizza each, small but delicious and cheesy which is quite frankly all that counts in the land of No cheese. We collected our pizza and went to the sushi bar. I think we sat for a least 20 mins watching the various strange looking fishies zooming past us. We tried bamboo rice and ate tuna and crab and salmon and of course pizza to our hearts content. It was one of the best meals i have ever had, full of novelty value, impromptu and of course in the company of my two bestest what more could i ask for?

Of course afterwards we needed alcohol to wash it all down so off we went to the traditional teahouse and then to jimjilbang for a nice soak in the baths and a general relax. A perfect day methinks!


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