Saturday, July 23, 2005

Some people just don't like the colour Orange

I am not leaving Korea, your stuck with me, my blog and my general welshness for.... well lets not get excited...shall i say AT LEAST one more year. I have been in a pondering mood of late. As ever when in such a mood i think it is probably best not to think at all because before you know it you've solved world debt, flown to mars and beaten Richard Branson in shares. Anyway my ponderings led me to the inevitable why?

Why? Why? do some people truly hate Korea and others well love it? I thought about attitudes (this was a mighty long think so i apologise if you sleep during this) I thought about personality, i thought about backgrounds, past experiances, food preferences, intelligence, sexual orientation, gender, music and then i thought about Laura. She gave me the answer the first time we met. 'Some people' she said just 'don't like the colour Orange'


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