Saturday, August 20, 2005

Midsummer Madness in Mokpo

Okay just a quick update. What has happened recently. Well of late i have taken to hibernation which is highly rewarding. I have moved into Annes officially. Its great, stupid antics galore. Lets face it any thing is better than a 40 degree shoebox. What Aileen's leaving. Sad. very Sad, i am a little lost already. Laura and i are gearing up for the big move. Highly ecstatic. I am going home for a month....yipee...CHEESE-blue cheese, edam, camembert, brie....CHEESE. Oh yeah and family of course although right now cheese. Just cheese.

last weekend we took a trip to Kosan...fantabiedosey kind of....It was fantastic, two hours on a ferry to peace tranquility and beautiful scenery, a great sunset sea and sand. Awesome. Things were going well on our deserted idyll. Then we got hungry. OOPs. We trooped off, Laura todd, Jane, Rossa, Ann and i...we found a restaurant and perched eagerly at the table. Although we are not experts o the korean language or menu for that matter we usually find something mutally agreeable and vaguely recognisable. Not this time. Zip nada f all. We looked and looked again and not one of us could figure out what we might eat. So we did what any sane person would do, 35000 won for something we didn't know, figuring that as it was quite expensive for Korea it might be such luck...we got a whole chicken...a whole boiled chicken, no soup no nothing...terrible. it was amusing though. Although we have a new in game which involves dropping the words 'boiled chicken' into every available space and giggling profusely. Its fun!

So anyway after the whole chicken thing we decided to go back down to the beach to chill. hmmmm. Not a good plan. Apparently it was Mosquito's annual day out. We did what is usually required in such situations. Drink alcohol. Anne, god bless her managed to forget about the mosquitos by promptly passing out. We all clambered into Todd and Laura's tent and thought better of it when we saw the army of moggies waitng to prey on fresh meat. Jane Rossa and i decided that we should find somewhere to sleep. A comfortable place to stay came in the form of some random birds attic. The woman was sweet but it was hot and not too good. Both Jane and i hate Spiders, the windows on the outside were covered in huge black fat bodied spiders, alright there were 4 but it was every aracnaphobics worst nightmare.

When we woke up...3 hours later we went for a quite swim in the ocean. We eventually caught up with Laura and Todd. Who looked worse for where. they had spend the entire night searching for Anne after she slipped off to go to the bathroom. We eventually found her, bruised and scratched. She was abducted by two men in a care. Lucky she a tough chick even though shes less than the size of a milk bottle.

Anyway enough off that...all in all it was a good weekend but it doesn't hurt to be reminded that nowhere in the world is safe, bastards sprout up everywhere it seems to have become a fact of life. The moral of the story is don't eat boiled chicken.


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