Sunday, June 05, 2005


okay so one bright spark decided that cycling 30km to Wolchalsan would be an adventure...and it was. No seriously my legs hurt a little but i have the new found glow of pride that no i am not as unfit as i should the maths...too much soju....too much Tv and a distict lack of a gym membership. Anyway laura (AKA the bike drama queen) Todd and me made it all the way there and all the way back in three whole pieces and it was fantastic. We paddled in a stream, sat by a waterfall, ate the most gorgeous Tak Dawree Tang ever created by any Korean ever, pedalled through rice paddies, watched traditional music at the top of a waterfall and brought new bracelets to add to our ever increasing collection. It was awesome, i seriously could not think of anything better to do ever. oh yeah, thanks Aileen for the aid relief message it was funny and very sweet of you to think of us...i'm glad i didn't go to Gwangju though, an air lift would have been neccesary for that one!!!!

Oh yeah i almost forgot. We camped out on Saturday night in the stupidly named 'muti purpose' park... (thanks Jeff for my very comfortable canvas it was great! okay so why stupidly named? Well, muti purpose...meaning for many purposes right? Wrong. what are three chirpy campers to do with a big expanse of green convieniently located next to the gwajangshils.CAMP....and we did, very happily, until jobs worth decided to give us a morning call. Some jumped up rubbish collector for the no pupose grass banged on my tent and woke us all up at 8:30. WHY? apart from being a nosy swine and having nothing better to apparently by the speed his stumpy arms were waving one of the purposes of the muti purpose grass was not camping. And so we taking our sweet ass time and laughing all the way. It was great a free night away and a wake up call what more can you ask for...well..he could have brought us a coffee and a muffin but that i think would be asking a little much!


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