Saturday, May 14, 2005

love is a drug and everyones taking it!

Things have taken a strange twist of fate in the small City of Mokpo. First there seems t be some kind of love bug infecting the gimchi. I mean really. Even i have a boyfriend, yep thats right, me Miss eternally single. Shocker. I always said i would NEVER i repeat NEVER go out with a Korean man. Not because Korean men are bad or anything but theres no point having a relationship when the guy can't speak english. How wrong i was. Minding my own business in the bar with my you do and well in walked Peter speaking perfect english! That was it... hook line and sinker.

And of course there is Laura and the fabulous Todd. I always get protective when my mates hook upwith people but not this time, both of them are fab and great and iam happy for them. Life is good!


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