Saturday, April 16, 2005

A hard days work..........

it just occured to me that as much as i am sure that my nights out fascinate you (lol) you actually might not be interested so i figured i should tell you a bit more about the work situation.

Okay...i work 2-8 teaching a range of kids from about 7-16. Mainly its fun, i have a textbooks which we work through. Generally though i take it how it comes, we start of on the workbook and then expand or not depending on the class and what they need to know. Its good, the kids are very sweet and funny. i love them! From 7-8 most nights i get to teach pop songs to the kids, its fantastic although i'm a little worried that i have more fun doing it than they do! Really!

The actual job is great. There is a but as boss is well tempremental shall we say. Sometimes he says hi, sometimes not. He likes to spy on my classes and finds it amusing to judge the entire lesson by the two minutes he stands outside the door. So he makes stupid comments like...don't play a game! The funniest was don't read your book! sure because i always take a novel into class and settle down with a cup of coffee and dig right in. What actually happened was i had a novel (can't remember which one and my kids were doing work on Anne Frank...anyway in this novel there was an excerpt from Anne Fanks diary and i thought lord forbid that it would be interesting for them to see a little of what she wrote in stead opf reading about it out of a text book, i was flicking through the damn thing to find it! Hysterical.

Another time just for fun he decided he wouldn't bother going to the shop downstairs to pay my phone bill. So for three months i gave him the money (his insistance) only to land up being disconnected...oh yeah and then he had the audacity to charge me for the reconnection fee FUNNY FUNNNY FUNNY.

Enough moaning...the girls i work with are the most fab people ever especially Kimmy who is hysterical, kind and the most cynical being ever....she's frosties ggggrrrreeeeaaaaatttt!


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