Saturday, March 12, 2005

Another suitcase in another hall....

ok....i'm having a moment....6 months have passed and well i'm still alive which is kind of a good sign. I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen at the end of my contract. So far i'm going to Vietnam, Moscow, China, Thaiand, Taiwan, Japan, Nepal to live in a hut and India to watch the ocean. Eekk. Never mind moment over!

So whats been happening??? Well um due to excessive soju posioning i seem to have lost the part of the brain that makes me remember anything vaugely worth remembering so i have nothing of any real interest to say...sorry!

Apart from an embarrassing incident with a lampost. Oh yeah and there's a new sushi restaurant, just opened, fanfuckingtastic! Cheap tasty and suprisingy lacking in fish! Don't ask!


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