Saturday, February 26, 2005

back at joy joy!

Okay, sorry for lack of posts but well duty calls and sleeping has become my new hobby, i mean i've always been good at it but i'm fine tuning my expertise! Actually my kids have been fantabidose. So whats been happening? well nothing of particular excitement. Finally did the kindergarden play and aside from a three year olds tantrum in the middle of the stage it all went pretty smoothly. Better than that actually i even got the little swell of pride you get when you know that you've done something cool. It was cool, very cool!

Had a bad week with my boss. For three months i have paid him lots of cash for my extortinate phone bills (thanks KT) and my phone got disconnected. Why????? because ojanddim 'forgot' to pay the bill-bright spark, i think it was more couldn't be arsed than forgot but there we go. Anyway have a phone now so happy and reconnected again phew!


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