Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Venturing out

After five months in the land of nothing much going on i decided to dissappear for a whole nine days and go to Seoul and Cheongju. I have just got back...4 days early. I had a fab time, met new peole..drank to much....etc etc. All was great except a bloody bank machine swallowed my card and refused to spit it back out...could have stayed there were plenty of kind volunteers to lend me money (cheers Jason, Laura, Johanna and Liz) but i decided that it would be better to come back and et it sorted when the banks open. Anyway enough of my dilemma.

On Saturday 5th i met up with a friend from the Uk- Jason and spent the day wandering mindlessly and happily around the subway. We went to Insadong, ate dwen jang guk....yum yum amd drank cucumber soju...not so yum. After that we managed to get a taxi to sinchon when we wanted to go to sincheon..silly me! but that was cool, we saw the most beautiful sunset over the river, very calming after a day in the city, met up with Aileen, Mike and Liz in Seoul bar after numerous drinks in the reggae and salsa bars in Itaewon. Oh yeah also went to Geckos....horrible...atmosphere scary scary stuff. Anyway rounded of evening in Polly's kettle and G Spot, went back to hotel at silly o'clock. Thanks guys for yet another fantastic night!


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